Hi all!
I know I’ve gone quiet the last few weeks, but the silence comes with good reason. Work has been incredibly busy, but I promise I haven’t let my personal blogging journey go hush for nothing. I really wanted to wait for my next post to share a project I’ve completed for my company.
Back in December, my boss challenged my team leader, James, and me to redesign iWeSocial’s website. Like any challenge, this one did not come easy, but I took the bull by the horns. I have some background with WordPress and I wanted to learn more. In my opinion and experience, there’s no better way to learn than getting into the thick of things. So I did just that.
The WordPress template that was chosen is very design and code centric. I went to school for PR, not coding. This is where it all got tricky. I spent the first week just learning how to use the template from the back end and just clicking on random pieces to see what the outcome would be. One task takes about 5-7 steps to complete instead of the usual plug and chug WordPress or SquareSpace template.
This site has really tested my patience, my ability to learn from myself, and my skill to communicate effectively with my team. I’ve also learned that I’m way too hard on myself sometimes, especially with projects like this. These past two months I’ve really had to learn how to let some things go that don’t matter and how to compromise with myself. Not only did I have a personal journey to go through, but I also learned a lot more about WordPress and web design.
As of Wednesday, February 24th, I have completed and launched iWeSocial’s new website with help from James.
In my eyes, this site will always be a work in progress. I’m so excited that I’ve been able to tackle such a big project within the first couple of months of being here and I’m looking forward to being able to continue to work on it and build it up.
If you want to check out my biggest project to date, head on over to www.iwesocial.com.