Here I sit, writing to you from an airport, yet again. What I don't think most of you know is that many of these blogs have been composed in airports on my phone. For some reason, the words just flow here. I don't quite know why; maybe it's because I'm leaving loved ones behind, feeling full of gratitude and love, a little sad, or fulfilled. But, nonetheless, the words just flow.
Today is December 29, 2017. I literally just typed 2018 instead of 2017 and had to correct myself. So there's a little foreshadowing for you as to where this post is going; this is a reflection of a challenging year, but looking forward to what 2018 has in store.
This past week, I met up with a few of my best girls to catch up and the most constant question that was always brought up was "What are your New Year's Resolutions?" I've never been good at keeping up with New Year's Resolutions, but I realized I have a few going into the New Year and also a new approach. Thanks to my friend at work, I'm going to be working on goals to manifest my mind, body, and spirit. Three things to focus on and make me feel whole.
My Mind
As some may know, we lost our Papa in February. It's been very difficult for me to completely come to terms with our loss and with that, as I'm sure you've noticed, I really let my blogging slide out of my mind. I didn't have the words, nor the inspiration, to put pen to paper. So, for my mind, I will produce at least one blog a month. I have some very exciting trips and events happening in 2018 and will be here to share it with you!
My Body
This goal is very cliché, but I will be making a point to get back in a solid gym regimen and continue to eat clean. I also told a friend that I would run the back half of the Colfax Marathon with her! This will be my first race altogether, so go big or go home, right?
My Spirit
This is the one goal I'm still working to completely solidify what I'm searching for. But, I want to make it a habit to do a daily devotional as well as reading a book at night. I'm aiming to read six books this year so please shout out if you have any good devotional book ideas or novels! I'm a huge mystery novel nerd! What are you doing in 2018 to manifest your spirit?
Better For It
Last but not least, besides my favorite mantra, I will be embodying the phrase "Better For It" for the year of 2018. What I love most about this phrase is that it has a multitude of meanings and applies to my mind, body and spirit goals for 2018. Regardless of the goal, I will be bettering myself at the end of each and every day. Shout out to Nike for the inspiration!
So here we go, party people! Whether you're going out on the town or having a couples game night like myself, Connor and our friends, I hope you dance your way into the New Year. Keep your chin up, keep charging your mountains and I'll update you next year!